Today, however I went to one. I was in a store that I like to call Nordstrom's or maybe even Saks. Of course the stock holders much prefer to call it by its real name... BELK. I live in such a tiny town that... can you believe it... Belk Dept. Store is the big deal around here. It's kinda a joke... but nevertheless, I have been able to rack up nice, hefty, yearly bills, regardless. Go figure. Anyway, I was there for a reason. They were having a big sale on luggage and I decided it was time for me to buy some new pieces. I was going to treat myself to a nice big, rolling, expandable piece of luggage as well as a nice, small, rolling carry-on, as well.
So... I headed right smack over to the luggage department and a really nice, patient lady helped me to make my purchases. I found just what I wanted, and get this... I even saved $200 on the deal. As I was rolling my brand new purchases out of the store, however, the shoe department happened to catch my attention. They too, were having a sale. I'LL SAY.
I spotted a pair of great leopard skin ballerina flats (pun intended) on the sale table and bingo. They were just my size. Now if THAT isn't kismet, I don't know what is. Thus, I asked the saleslady how much they were. To which she replied: $2.98!!!! HUH?? THREE DOLLARS?? The only thing I could even think to say to her was: WAAAAY TOO OVERPRICED. Which of course meant... Yikes. I'll take them! And, I have to tell you... they are pretty damn snappy looking, if you ask me. Not quite as snappy, however as anOTHER pair I noted as I approached the cashier counter. Uh... I'll take those, too, please. They also, were like a definite must buy. Geez... I just hope I didn't over pay for the $14.99 price tag. Can you believe these killer bargains??
On the way out, I didn't DARE go into any other departments, since there is absolutely nothing under the sun that I could possibly need. But... I have to say... I LOVE the items I bought today. Even if they ARE from a pretend Lord & Taylor.
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