Actually, this morning... uh, in single digits temps, no less... I was at my doctor's office for a follow up visit and got a clean bill of health. And, I even got a little gift, now that I think about it. And, I'm not talking lollipops, either. Get this... as I was readying to leave the examining room, I happened to mention that I was leaving next week for a trip to Florida and that already, I was getting nerved about flying. Bingo. Right off the bat, the doctor said... OH, IN THAT CASE, LET ME GIVE YOU AN ADDITIONAL PRESCRIPTION FOR ANTIBIOTICS AND ATIVAN. Yippee! My two all time favorite meds! Of course, I didn't mention that I alREADY have plenty of Ativan and ZPac's safely tucked away at home, for I would NEVER look a gift horse in the mouth. WHY, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH, MR. DOCTOR, FOR KEEPING MY PERSONAL DRUG STORE SO HAPPILY STOCKED. Actually, it's a Mrs. Doctor, but who cares. No wonder I love her... she's apparently always on the lookout for helping me maintain my drugstore staples. What a gal!
As for not doing much lately, I must admit I've been heavy into the political debates and/or caucuses. I thought it was a particularly major planning coup on the part of George W. to hightail it out of the States and over to the Mid East while such important campaigning was occurring. What Republican candidate in their right mind would even WANT him around at a time like this, for fear of jinxing their run? It's amazing to me how now, ALL politicians are disgusted by Bush as much as I am. Finally... they're seeing the light. On the other hand, as you know, I've been an Obama supporter since the get go and today, I have to agree with him once again. Bear in mind, I'm wild for Billy Clinton. Way more than for Hillary. Regardless, today Obama kinda indicated that he almost felt as if he were running against BOTH Clintons, given Bill likes to sort of take center stage a bit too much. Barack seems to have a point, if you ask me. EEEKS... WAIT A MINUTE... I JUST HAD A THOUGHT. Is it even POSSIBLE that the Florida primaries will be occurring during my visit there, next week???? OMG... I had better go check the schedule. It's been a LONG time since I've seen fancy schmancy motorcades going down I-95. Trust me... I SO don't want to be around in major traffic snarls.
Anyway, yes... I'm still alive. And, SOOO looking forward to all the hot pastrami sandwiches and cherry cheesecake I can possibly down, while in Florida. THANK GOD I'll be able to eat the REAL deals... not like the pretend take offs that's offered here in the mountains. YIPPEE. Tasty delights for tasty cravings.
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