And, we did... It was a fabulous visit. About a month after Linda left, I became a blond. Bear in mind that Linda has known me since each of us were a mere 15 years old. Thus, she has seen every "look" I've ever sported. Which is why it shocked me last night, when we were on the phone, and she told me she hasn't even seen so much as a PICTURE of me, since my having gone glam. HUH?? How could that BE?? Therefore, I immediately told her to go to the computer, log on to this blog and boom! She'll see me. Get this... she didn't even KNOW about the blog! It's incredible! Again, I was stunned at the news. So... she went to her computer, I went to mine, we both brought up the site and BINGO. We were both looking at the blog ... she in South Florida and me in the Smoky Mountains... as well as reading together, all my favorite entries. She was laughing hysterically and actually, I too, was having pretty damn good laughs, myself.
Which is a good thing. Two years ago, Linda was diagnosed with melanoma. That Linda should fall prey to this disease was beyond my comprehension. That she, of ALLLL the people in the world to be diagnosed with a serious, sometimes life threatening disease, was simply unimaginable. ME?? I qualify for every crazy ass medical problem known to man, given I rarely do anything particularly healthy. BUT, LINDA?? She lives a WAY healthier life than I EVER could. Thus... how could it be SHE who gets sick, instead of some shlub like me, who breaks every F-ing rule in the Book of Good Medicine and Healthy Living?? Sweet, precious, hardworking, devoted, innocent LINDA??? Man... talk about the wrong table being turned.
Thankfully, after two years of horrible treatments, Linda was so much better. She worked HARD for it, though and even today, she seldom feels as great as she used to. Which is why I was filled with sheer JOY at hearing her giggle with such gusto. Especially since she had just told me about needing a new PET scan and MRI. Don't ask. I could go on and on telling you about Linda, but it wouldn't matter. You'd still never know how much she means to me. I WILL tell you however, that as soon as her tests are over, I'm treating her to a return trip to NC... this time in my new house! Again, I'll ask her to make her fabulous chicken francaise. I might even throw in a request for her eggplant parmesan too, just for good measure. I'll even be able to shop with her... now BOTH of us in the Misses Department. Since, as petite Linda knows... I was ALWAYS in the Specialty Department. God, I PRAY she'll be fine. This world deserves having her happy and healthy. Besides, I need to have her around. Who ELSE would know my entire life since I was a young teen???
1 comment:
boy....howdie.....That was really nice. Thank you for being soooo very special to me. I can't ever imagine my life without you in it...Oh the great memories....When ever I think of you it is always with a smile....Thank you for bringing such laughter to my life....I especially needed it the other night. And I am so excited because now I can have a dose of you at my finger tips. How did that happen that I didn't know you have a Blog... This could certainly make a best seller....trust me...I love you. Linda
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