Trust me... I love where I live now. It's in beautiful surroundings. It's located in a perfect part of town. It's certainly comfortable. BUT... no doubt about it. It's DEFINITELY baby sized. Only two bedrooms, small closets, baby outdoor decks, etc. etc. This NEW house has MUCH more space. Which now that I think about it, is both good AND bad. Good that I'll be able to sprawl out in a kinda spacious surrounding. But bad because, I'll have to actually FURNISH said spaciousness. EEEKS. Furnishings cost uh... money, don't they?? Oops. That could be a problem. But one I guess I can overcome.
Speaking of furnishing, I was recently looking at new TV's. WOW. They're big! Shows you just how long it's been since I've been shopping for updated electronics. Flat Panel. HDTV. 1080p. HUH?? Do I even know what this is all about?? Lordy... my kid better get here soon, given I apparently need a whole new kind of education just so I'll be able to become a major couch potato, and yet do it in STYLE. Believe me... I can't WAIT to call the phone company, the satellite TV company, even the computer guru's company to get all the techie stuff up and running. I just KNOW I'll run into red tape up the kazoo. This kind of re-establishment of services at a new location is basically BEGGING for trouble. Has got UNFORESEEN PROBLEMS written all over it, if you ask me. But again... something I guess I can overcome.
For now, however... I'm happily bouncing back to the burbs and am hoping it'll be as wonderful as I'm expecting it to be. It'll be great to FINALLY view all my clothing, dishes, cooking utensils, etc... properly organized and comfortably stored... all in a manageable, designated place... and thus easily SEE what I have in one easy glance. After all, the sooner that happens, the sooner I can then create a total crazy ass mess in which I will be able to find absolutely nothing. Care to guess just how long I'll be searching for everyday items, trying to reMEMber where the hell their new storage place is??? Think: MONTHS!
Bottom line to all this?? Call me at the same number. Email me at the same address. But for heaven sakes... VISit me at the new home!
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