I'm just a year shy of 60 and oh lordy, I can only imagine my mental outlook at this time NEXT year. Although my mental outlook for this year is nothing to write home about either.
This year is VERY unusual for me. HIGHLY unusual, actually. First of all, I am writing this Birthday Blog while I'm slightly buzzed from the Ativan I downed a few hours ago. Good luck making sense out of it. Secondly, I've been feeling so tense and blue lately because of issues with my Dad. Thirdly, I NEVER pass up my birthday and ALWAYS plan some sort of excellent celebration. Not this year, however.
THIS year, I'm just laying low, so to speak. I'll meet some friends at a local pizza parlor probably, eat something tasty and then be on my way. That's about as much effort I feel like putting into the whole shebang. I've gotten several cards in the mail and a couple from online, and it really has been nice opening them, knowing people are thinking of me. But.. normally, I'd have HORDES of cards here, given I normally begin making conversation of my upcoming birthday WEEKS ahead of time. I'm definitely into putting every human being I know on Birthday Alert. This year, though, I didn't mention a word. Who needs the star of the occasion feeling blah and crappy when all other times she's on top of the world?? Some hostess I'd make, huh?
Anyway, I was born on a Wednesday afternoon, about 2:00, and my parents were thrilled, given my mother had lost a girl right after her birth. Thus, my arrival apparently meant a lot, I guess. I had a simply wonderful childhood, had great high school years, met the first love of my life at age 16 and roomed in college with my best girlfriend. I then married right after college graduation and married once more just after my 30th birthday. For my 50th birthday, I sought a divorce which, though it completely broke my heart to do, it was the BEST
birthday present I could have ever given myself. Life since then, in spite of being alone on so many levels, has actually turned out to have really been fabulous.
Take it from me girls... having the love of a man you simply adore more than life itself is definitely the ultimate gift. But... if such a gift is not in the cards, be assured that life and/or birthdays can STILL be a delicious bowl of cherries. Uh... except this time. This year, it's more like a bowl of grapes. But... I have WAY HIGH HOPES for next year's celebration. IT'S A BIGGIE and I'm counting on being back on top of the world by then.
So, for tonight, all I can do is await for the store to open and go out and buy a delicious, beautiful birthday cake. And you know what?? I'll be smiling like child in no time flat, once I get a slice into my ever lovin' belly! Buttercream frosting only, by the way.
Thus, Happy Birthday to Me!! I wish me all kinds of wonderful things to come my way in 2007. Because, frankly, I DESERVE IT. I'm a hell of a woman with a hell of a happy life and with a hell of a lot of fabulous people surrounding me and loving me. Who could ask for more?? Besides, I have my health. Now THERE'S a gift I wouldn't trade for the world! So... enjoy 5-19, everyone. And, naturally... think of me!
To Bob... I love and miss you more than ever.
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