The dilemma is this: Almost IMMEDIATELY after it reaches JUST the proper length, within mere minutes of going past this point in time, my hair no longer holds the shape nor its blown style. Consequently every two weeks, I wind up needing a hair cut. EEEKS. Actually, you see the problem in the two pictures up above.
Okay. So the photos are nothing to write home about, but thankfully, beauty is not the purpose of this entry. Instead, checking out hair length is. The first picture was taken when my hair was JUST BEGINNING to get to the problem length. It was taken just two weeks after a cut. The dilemma is such that WHO THE HELL can get a hair cut every two weeks??? Besides, it takes almost that long to simply get an app't with Angie. Enter: THE SOLUTION.
Turns out I'm way more multi talented than I ever suspected. Kinda like: Necessity is the Mother of Invention. It seems as if, on top of all my OTHER incredible abilities, I am now ALSO a personal, self proclaimed hair cut operator! The proof is seen right there in the second picture. Not bad for a fake salon employee, huh?
It all came about when I was staring at my hair about 11 o'clock last night and said to myself: 1.) Geez. I so need a hair cut. 2.) No salon is open at this hour... so... hmmm... I wonder if: 3.) I CAN CUT IT ALL BY MYSELF?
Next thing you know, I grabbed a really good pair of scissors and BOOM. I began the styling procedure. Talk about guts. I started cutting my locks left and right, watching the zillions of pieces fall to the ground, praying all the while that I wasn't screwing up my normally perfectly fine hair cut. And, saying to myself: Don't big deal. If by happenstance this DOESN'T work out, I'll simply run to a quickie hair cutting place tomorrow and have them even up my trials and errors. Therefore, I kept going, cutting off at least an inch by time's end.
But, you know what? I don't think I'll need the pros, after all. True, its a short, summer cut, but on the other hand, this new invention of mine is going to last WAY longer than a mere two weeks. And, while the trim may not be PERFECT, it's certainly acceptable for my everyday life needs.
Besides, I'm here... just WAITing for the first visitor to walk through my front door. They have no idea that they'll be hired PRONTO, to check out the back, and slice off any straggling hairs. Which of course, leads me to wonder... will I or won't I not need to ante up a tip for their services. Better yet... maybe should I ante up a tip for ME instead.
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