Today's music ain't got the same soul... I like that old time rock and roll...
See the picture up there? They're a band who played at a party I attended last night. I LOVED THEM. I danced to them. And, I sang along with them. I'm so telling you... I had a great time. The party was in honor of Bob's 60th birthday. A surprise party, I might add. And, it was held at the home of Steven and Karen. Actually, it was held on the grounds of their home; tent, food, band, mountains, scenery, perfect weather... you name it, they had it all. Which is why when the band began the night with the lyrics up above, I KNEW I was going to have fun. How anyone could possibly sit down when this begins to play is WAY beyond me. They're musically shut down?? Trust me, Bob Seeger knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote this song. He was demanding we DANCE, SING AND LET LOOSE.
That was just part of the great time I had. The other part was equally amazing. When I got to the party, I introduced myself to the host and hostess and as luck would have it, I was seated between Steven and Karen during the meal. A DElicous meal of bar-b-cued ribs that Steven cooked on an aMAZing out door pit. Anyway, we began talking and get this... Steven and I graduated high school together!! WHO THE F KNEW?? It was a total surprise to both of us! Especially, given that we knew so many of the same people!! The more we talked, the more people we mentioned and the more astonished I was. I can't believe the coincidence! And, neither of us went to our 40th high school reunion last January. Who needed it? I found an alumni right here in my own backyard.
Actually, Steven is the SECOND high school coincidence that has occurred in the past year. Last October I had my best girlfriend from high school visiting me. We were driving up the mountain and I noticed a house with a fanTAStic view of the mountains. I stopped and jokingly asked the lady out front, who was just moving in I might add, whether or not she liked her view. She put her head into the car and right off the bat said: I KNOW YOU! WE GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL TOGETHER!! Lo and behold it was Libby! And, we probably even went to Jr. High together for all I know. Talk about a small world.
Which just goes to show... it always pays to be really nice to people. You never know when they might unexpectedly pop right back into your life once again! Thank goodness being kind comes second nature to me. I'd hate to have to move outta town. Besides, as I was leaving, Karen told me I was really pretty. Now THAT'S what I call being kind!