A reason to... what else? Buy some clothing. Some addiTIONal clothing, I might add. Just what I need... but whatever.
A few weekends ago they had a sale on TV. A MAJOR sale, too. As in: the fall clothing line on HOME SHOPPING NETWORK and on my favorite, QVC. Oh man... was I ever in heaven. Without even brushing my teeth or putting on a bra, I went on a fantastic shopping spree and SPENT SPENT SPENT.
In particular, I was looking for tunic tops. To wear with leggings, for instance. While I have a favorite store here in town where I do in fact, buy several great tunics, I was still looking to expand that part of my wardrobe. ENTER: BEST REALITY TV SHOW EVER.
What a great invention this deal is! First of all, as I said, you don't even have to roll out of bed to take a look at what tickles your fancy. Boom. You can lay in bed, watch the models and hear all about the item. Then, you can go to the computer and read all the reviews of that item. That's my favorite part... if enough people say the top sucks, then bingo. At least you have a head's up to keep on moving.
Then when you DO find a top or whatever, that you're nuts about, Eureka. You simply pick up the phone and say: HI THERE. PUT IT IN THE MAIL, PLEASE. THANKS. WILL LOOK FORWARD TO RECEIVING MY PRESENT ANY DAY NOW!
That's an even greater treat, if you ask me. You order shit and since you totally forget what the hell you even ordered... every delivery is like Christmas Day all over again where you're so thrilled to open ALL SORTS of fantastic gifts! Having no memory of what's inside them!
So on the weekend special I enjoyed a few weeks ago, I apparently became their prime target audience. I puttered around the house all the while listening to TV. When I heard the hosts talking about tunics, I like ran to the set and watched the entire presentation. Easy. You like what you see? PICK UP THE PHONE. Don't like it? Go back to whatever you were doing to begin with. Who can NOT get into this??
My favorite was the Queen Latifa part. Mainly because I had never seen her collection before and to me... if anyone knows about styled tunics, it should be her. Sure enough, she didn't disappoint. I can't remember exactly what I bought from her line, but trust me. I was in 7th heaven the day the tops arrived. Plus, I've gotta tell you... she herself looked fantastic during the shows. The lady's onto to something here.
For like about three weeks straight, I was getting deliveries up the kazoo. Talk about fun! I'd bring the packages into my bedroom, try each item on. Put into either a RETURN pile or a KEEP pile and next thing you know.... I had to make room in my closet for the new tunics! I bet I got 6 or 7 in all. So up my alley.
Yes... several had to go back, but who cares. Look at the ones I got to keep! Manna from heaven, if you ask me. Oh yeah... btw... there's this jewelry lady named Joan Boyce, I think. JEWELRY TO DIE FOR. I so have to put her shows on my radar. And, of course... keep my phones charged at all times.
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