UH... NO.
In my book, the all time best gadget... other than paper towels, of course... are... none other than TENSION RODS!! I swear... who ever invented these deals deserves the Albert Einstein Medal of Astounding Discoveries Award. Or, something akin to that, anyway. I'm telling you... this tension rod deal is a A REMARKABLE invention! Seriously. And, one I couldn't live without.
First of all, bear in mind, I'm kind of into being a cheapo, if at all possible. Secondly, I don't need a professional decorator to tell me what I like or don't like. I already know that bit. Thirdly, have you SEEN the ready made curtain panels they have in stores lately?? Some are so STUNNING its unbelievable! Of course, none that I've bought, but that's besides the point.
Cheap or pricey... you can so do curtains yourself. Which is exactly what I did in my dining room. FINALLY. Only took me three years, granted, but who's counting. Anyway, Lauren came up to visit. I was thrilled to have her, but told her right off the bat, she is more than welcome HOWEVER... the first thing on our list of Things To Do For Linda, is to create window valances and/or curtain panels for my dining room. Am so telling you... the summer sun BLARES right smack onto my large glass dining table and during those months, you need nothing short of night goggles to have a dinner party! I'm serious. It's blinding at best. And, oh so not conducive to fine dining.
Well, worry no more my friends. YIPPEE. Lauren and I went shopping for valance fabric, placed it over cut out foam board, pinned it in back with Mickey Mouse straight pins, and bingo. Shoved the home made valances up onto the wall, so that they're able to be held in place all on it's own. SO NOT LIKE AN INTERIOR DESIGNER. But... way like the Linda School of Decorating. Believe me... a professional would get sick to their stomach looking at my method of making acceptable window treatments. I, on the other hand, glow at my creativity.
Once the valances were done, THEN it was time to concentrate on the curtains. Enter: TENSION RODS. Oh man... you can't even believe how EASY these deals are. WAY up my alley. You find the fabric you like... you slide them onto the rods... WHAMMO. Done deal. Could it BE any easier? I LOVE THIS. A perfect solution for someone who is not only sorta cheap BUT ALSO... for someone who is completely lazy. Uh... just like me.
You can catch the final product by checking out the picture up above. Granted, the picture is crappy and your ability to actually SEE all the details are even crappier. But matters not... for if you're REALLY interested in checking them out... just give me a call. Tell me when you're ready for dinner. And BINGO. I'll whip up a terrific dinner for you, to be eaten... where else?? IN MY DINING ROOM. No sun block needed. THANK YOU MR. TENSION ROD INVENTOR! You have no clue how you've saved my life. And my ability to entertain.
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