Apparently, I'm a big cry baby. Well, not always, but CERTAINLY on days when she has never before met family reunions or soldiers coming back from war or twins who never met each other or etc. etc. Every time I see these kinds of deals... I cry like a baby. For people I don't even KNOW.
And, It's not only her show. It could be any show. But, I am so telling you, I am a major sucker for wonderful things happening to people who've carried crazy ass burdens for long times. Okay... case in point. Just the other day, Oprah had this show about children of men who made anonymous donations to a sperm bank. Zillions of mothers were ever so thankful, given they could then, have children. However... guess what... eventually, the kids grow up and hence, have nagging pangs of wondering who their REAL father is.
Enter: Oprah. She had a bunch of adult children on her show and some of them have indeed, met their real fathers. But... most haven't. And, want to. Subsequently, there is some website where people can go to hopefully solve the puzzle. As a result, there was this brother sister duo, who were born from sperm donations of the same father and never even CONSIDERED they could have siblings.
Bingo... they finally meet. Boom... I cry like a baby when they do. I just can't get over how much the happiness these strangers feel, can pull on my sentimental heartstrings. It's like SUCH a wonderful moment for them, and I'm just so happy to see such emotionally thrilling moments. After waiting a life time to see or meet friends, relatives, human angels, whatever... Whamo. It happens. And when it does, my eyes well up because it's like the all time happiest day of their lives. Who WOULDN'T tear up? Even today, I got a little choked up when David Letterman was talking about how his father would have given his eye tooth to have seen the DAVID LETTERMAN BUILDING OF COMMUNICATIONS at his college campus.
I so love this. I especially love my local news channel, when it shows the homecoming of men and/or women who have been fighting for our country. Kinda like the lady who graduated college in Orlando the other day, and as a surprise, her soldier son was flown in to hand over her diploma. This is SO up my alley! Gulp. Uh... pass the tissues, please.
Actually, I guess I shouldn't be all that amazed at myself for crying and loving these moments... I absolutely LOVE happy surprises. Of course, I love them even more when they're MY surprises, but whatever. As long as people are crying with joy, what could be better??
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