Which is why, one of the first luxuries I gave up, was my weekly manicure appointment. That was over 25 years ago. Way back then, it actually worked out pretty okay, too. I could put the baby to sleep, sit on my family room sofa, grab all my manicure equipment, sip a diet coke, light up a cigarette, watch television AND give myself a manicure, all at the very same time. By the end of NYPD Blues, boom. I had stunning nails. And you know what?? It STILL works out pretty okay. I STILL do my own nails! Sort of just like now... were I not typing, I could be sitting in the family room, nail paraphernalia all spread out, AND watching Dancing With the Stars.
Anyway, the reason I'm telling you all this is because today I went out to lunch after visiting my Dad. I had a delicious tuna melt and when it was time to pay, I got up and walked over to the cashier. The lady in front of me had already paid, and there I was, counting out my dollar bills and bingo. This sweet looking lady turned to me and said: YOU HAVE SUCH BEAUTIFUL NAILS! I MEAN IT... THEY LOOK JUST SO BEAUTIFUL! Wow. Now THAT was a surprising moment. I do? They are? Really?? Gee... thanks!
As it happened, I had done my nails the night before. I do them each week, and normally, I like doing them on either a Monday or Tuesday night. For some reason, that seems to best fit my schedule. Whatever. In the meantime, I am usually faced with a decision each time I give myself a manicure: WHAT COLOR?? This week, however, I chose: NO COLOR. Instead, I went the French Manicure look and frankly, it often looks pretty damn decent by the time I'm finished. Apparently, this lady in front of me thought so, too. Too bad she couldn't see my toes... she'd probably like them too. Bottom line: I'm definitely an accomplished DO IT YOURSELFer.
Another thing I do myself is, color my own hair. Again, it was a matter of setting luxury priorities; thus ever since my 40s, when the first grey hair appeared, I've had to become my own beautician. Granted, I'm not saying it's a proFESSional looking job, but its a less expensive one, regardless. In fact, the only time in recent history I can remember going to a salon for almost anything, was back in January and May of this year... to add these spiffy blond highlights I've been sporting for the past 9 months. Highlighting is NOT something I can do myself. See? Even I know my limits.
On the other hand, if ever you call your stylist or your manicurist, and they tell you: SORRY, SHE'S BOOKED, have no fear. Boom! I'M AVAILABLE. My appointment book is wide open and I'll be HAPPY to help out. Best of all, I'll do it not only charge free, but tip free as well.
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