Yeah. Yeah. I know money is not the end all, but believe me... it can do alot to make you smile. Let alone, sleep well at night. I also know it doesn't buy you good health, but guess what. It CAN make sure you're seen by the best specialists in the country. Which I consider is an excellent way to at least get your foot in the right door. And, speaking of doors, I'm thinking I'll be way happier walking into the Ritz Carlton than walking into Motel 6. I'll also be a hell of a lot happier hiring an attorney more along the lines of Melvin Beli than my local Public Defender.
A year and a half ago, I actually had a real life revelation proving my personal theory. I had had major surgery and was pretty down in the dumps. Which is very unusual for me. ESPECIALLY on my birthday. Yet, there I was, on the day of my birthday, in plenty of pain, laying around and wearing some crappy nightgown. I took all sorts of calls from family and friends with birthday wishes but there was no denying I was in no mood for such frivolity. Well, not until 7 o'clock that evening, anyway.
There I was, looking and feeling pretty much like garbage, when bingo. The doorbell rang and one by one a bunch of friends walked in. With them was a parade of smiles, a birthday cake and... a birthday present. A really GREAT one, too. The kind that proved immediately, PRESENTS DO MAKE ME HAPPY! PRICEY ONES, ESPECIALLY. The gift, it turns out was a fabulous digital camera and I fell in love with it 1-2-3!!! Talk about a medical break through! I was suddenly prancing right on Cloud Nine and within MINUTES you'd have never thought I spent the day in apathetic doldrums. I'm so telling you... I was blowing out candles, making wishes, running all around getting drinks and simply howling with laughter like there was no tomorrow.
It was then that I confirmed everything about myself I had always suspected. Money, surprises and presents CAN bring me happiness. It can also bring me freedom, security, serenity and sanity. Which, to me, IS what happiness is all about.