Well, that didn't take long, I see. I turned on The View today (a mere 48 hours after Star made her fatal announcement) and bingo. A brand new, pretty and slim, black woman is sitting where Star Jones used to be. I, of course, have no idea who this new ingenue is, but it matters not. What does matter to me is how interested I am in Star Jones' stupidity to piss off Barbara Walters. Geez, even I know that Barbara is a power house, thus has the power to either make you or break you. What could Star have been thinking? That she'd be able to actually upstage Barbara in the power department? Jesus... Get real. I love this gossip garbage anyway, so reliving the demise of Star Jones is right up my alley. I've since watched every single show possible, with any sort of segment rehashing the big event. Which, I might add, was a mere coincidence that I should have seen the cat fight play out in real time, the other morning.
On this entire issue, I've decided to come down on the side of Barbara Walters. I'm thinking that Star Jones is way too full of herself, supposedly has way too perfect a marriage to maybe a reformed gay guy (is that even possible?), has lost 14 million pounds by merely eatting right (yeah, sure) and got a multimillion dollar wedding for an out of pocket cost of about $350. This lady is definitely outta control. Barbara on the other hand is all about propriety and dignity. I like that. I like even more that she is able to wield her power in such a low key, level headed way while simultaneously putting major screws to the Heavenly Diva. Besides, I'm way into power, fame and influence. Of which I'm sorry to say, I have none. Damnit.
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