Well, that didn't take long, I see. I turned on The View today (a mere 48 hours after Star made her fatal announcement) and bingo. A brand new, pretty and slim, black woman is sitting where Star Jones used to be. I, of course, have no idea who this new ingenue is, but it matters not. What does matter to me is how interested I am in Star Jones' stupidity to piss off Barbara Walters. Geez, even I know that Barbara is a power house, thus has the power to either make you or break you. What could Star have been thinking? That she'd be able to actually upstage Barbara in the power department? Jesus... Get real. I love this gossip garbage anyway, so reliving the demise of Star Jones is right up my alley. I've since watched every single show possible, with any sort of segment rehashing the big event. Which, I might add, was a mere coincidence that I should have seen the cat fight play out in real time, the other morning.
On this entire issue, I've decided to come down on the side of Barbara Walters. I'm thinking that Star Jones is way too full of herself, supposedly has way too perfect a marriage to maybe a reformed gay guy (is that even possible?), has lost 14 million pounds by merely eatting right (yeah, sure) and got a multimillion dollar wedding for an out of pocket cost of about $350. This lady is definitely outta control. Barbara on the other hand is all about propriety and dignity. I like that. I like even more that she is able to wield her power in such a low key, level headed way while simultaneously putting major screws to the Heavenly Diva. Besides, I'm way into power, fame and influence. Of which I'm sorry to say, I have none. Damnit.
It's kind of crazy... last weekend I was Blog intensive. This weekend, I'm cooling on the idea a bit. Perhaps though, I'm merely finding a good balance between the two. Or maybe it's just that I've got 283 things on my list of Things To Do. I've completed several, but had to take a time out a while ago so I could get lost in some Bette Davis movie that was fabulous. So much for attention span.
In the meantime, I'm happy to report I met God's Computer Genius yesterday. I was in fear of my computer about to come crashing down on me thus I called a back-up guru. My first choice was out of town. I had zillions of projects for which I needed the computer, thus crashing was the last thing I wanted. Enter: Mitch. My God, this guy took me to technological heights I never thought possible. Talk about being wowed. He was able to resolve about 12 big issues in about one and a half hours. And, to do so, he went places inside the workings of the hard drive I never knew possible. Let alone had ever seen before. He definitely held my interest. And, left with my thinking that his wife is one lucky woman. If he could work such genius-like techniques on a computer's internal drive, God only knows what... uh... oh, never mind. Suffice it to say, I'm up and running.
So, here it is, the weekend... absolutely stunning outside. For anyone interested, my second toe is now regal purple. I almost thought of uploading a pict of it, but why dwell on it. Steve Martin's "Father of the Bride" is on TV and I was thinking about how much I miss when my son was a baby and I could hold him and kiss him 24 hours a day. A strange thought for a mother who couldn't WAIT for him to spend summers at sleep away camp, type his own high school reports, dependably wake up to an alarm clock or turn 16 so he could get a driver's license and become his own chauffeur. Infant/toddler stages were, for me, synonymous with slave driver/camp counselor. I much preferred the teen years which yes, I know, are usually the years from hell. As it happened though, I loved having a teen that could keep me abreast as to what was in, who was cool or how I could do things in a better way. I particuarly loved laughing with him while listening to Howard Stern, hoping I wasn't screwing up his mind for the rest of his life.
On the other hand, his growing up meant I could no longer bathe him in hugs and kisses. Damnit. To this day, spending time with my son is still my alltime favorite thing to do. Too bad he'd probably prefer hanging with a woman his own age. But who can blame him? She's wearing a G-string and I'm pondering Depends.
I have a foot fetish, I suppose. I'm particular about shoes. But I'm way more particular about my feet. I like them to be well groomed. (I also like any man I may bed, to have his feet well groomed as well, but that's a whole different story) As it happens, I''m now sitting here at the computer with the bottom of my foot resting on a bag of frozen broccoli. The top of my foot is covered with a bag of frozen corn. Don't ask.
Last week, when getting ready to head to the airport, I loaded my suitcase into the car. However, not before the entire packed case landed across my entire right foot, with the metal wheel bar making the greatest impact. Uh... it hurt like hell, which meant of course, I cursed like hell. Anyway, within about 42 seconds my foot became mountain-like with swelling and turned my toes black and blue. I spent about 3 hours with a veggie ice packs on it, much like I'm doing now. Which reminds me... after three hours of staring at the thawing veggies, I decided to open them up and what else? Began eatting some!
Why am retelling this event? Because today, I was headed out to fun with my friends; I walked out the door and WHAM! The REALLY HEAVY old fashioned iron that sits on my wooden ironing board/patio table fell right smack onto my foot! AGAIN. My otherwise perfectly fine right foot is now once again killing me. And the fading black and blue toes? Uh... they're now darker than ever. Moral of the story? Diamond encrusted flip flops are not such a bad idea afterall.
Madonna lives in a Material World. I apparently live in a Mechanically-Charged High Tech World. I've just spent 6 unconsectutive hours in the past 24, getting my Norton Virus software downloaded and installed. Huh? 6 hours?? The first time I tried installing the program, t'was a no go. The first time I tried running it, I was told I needed 9 new updates. (another 45 mins., I might add) Then, after I WAS up, running and completely protected, my provider's screen alerted me that my firewall was not functioning.
Bottom line? I have now have a whole new vocabulary which I never even KNEW to teach my son when he was a child. Examples: software, downloading, ISP, DSL, and of course, blogging. Not to mention: the Internet, itself. On the other hand, when my son was but about 14, he not only KNEW these vocabulary words, but was WAY ahead of me in putting them to actual use.
Days spent like this remind me of last week, when I spent hours seeking flight schedules, pressing phone buttons, chatting free with folks in India, and logging on, to print out boarding passes. Which probably totaled yet ANOTHER 6 hours of living in my High Tech World. No WONDER I have no time to actually get a job.
Okee Dokee... here I go. One more feature in this Techie World and I'm a goner. But... I'm willing to try. Apparently blogging is a big deal nowadays, so if I'm to remain two steps ahead of the crowd, I need a blog site. Bingo. This is it! Biggest dilema right now? Whether or not to go back to sleep.