A while back I told you that I love my dining room table. But I have to say that equally, I also love my bed. I've had it for a zillion years but I love it as much now as I did when it was just brand new. It's king sized, definitely firm and oh, so welcoming. Which, now that I think of it, is pretty much the way I love my men, too. But... why go there.
People closest to me, know I've spent YEARS trying to find just the right bed linens to strike the exact look I was going for. I bought linens, I made linens, I switched linens; I've basically done everything imaginable with linens to create the feeling I wanted. I tried country flowers, I tried monotones. I tried a scarlet and gold regal look and I tried a simple sage and white deal. I tried the hotel design and I tried the spa inspired design.
FINALLY. A few months ago, I came up with the finished, definitive look and all I can say is: Thank God my search is over. It was getting mighty tiresome, not to mention mighty pricey. The picture here shows you what my bed now looks like. Actually, what the winter scheme looks like. The summer scheme is down in my basement waiting for the change of seasons, but I love that look just as much. Currently, the style consists of several different sized/colored/textured pillows. The top spread is made of beautiful multi textured fabrics, my favorite one being the cream colored satin borders. Underneath the spread there is a down comforter covered in a cream colored duvet and finally, a white fitted sheet with a white bed skirt. What I really love about the spread, and what you can't see in the picture, are the different textures of all the fabric strips. Velvet, satin, silk, etc. In the meantime, beds are pretty important to me. Not only for the obvious recreational activities that take place in one; but also, beds provide me with one of my all time favorite OTHER activities: naps and good night sleeps. Man, do I love getting my beauty rest. You'd almost think I'd be a glamour queen by now, given my dedication to sleep. But, whatever.
Further, I also love getting INTO a bed. Into a good looking, well made up bed. Thus, while I simply hate doing it, I do in fact, make my bed every day, nevertheless. That way, whenever the time is right for me to eventually climb into this pleasuredome, it's pretty, it's inviting and it's comfy. Bottom line: I literally love being ... lured into bed.
Which reminds me: if you too, love being lured into bed and more importantly, can meet my personal requirements for lure-ifcation (I made that up) then geez... maybe we should talk. At the very least, maybe you can pass me the pillows so I can finish making the bed.